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Arts & Designs Affairs

Teresa is a senior at Dominican International School. Her goal is to share her ideas and passion for participating in all kinds of activities and organizations in school. She is currently the head of the design and layouts department for the school's magazine and the head of the art team in a charity based organization called "She's the First" in DIS. By using her thoughts and skills elaborately, she hopes to contribute for the next approaching TEDx event along with many other inspiring teammates. Her purpose is to not only gain experiences but also to create new memories in a community of amazing, impassionate people.

Teresa Lin: TeamMember


"Why people believe they can't draw- and how to prove they can" by Graham Shaw

 "Why people believe they can't draw- and how to prove they can" is a TED talk by Graham Shaw, an expert in the art of communication. He patiently demonstrated and taught the audience how to draw simple cartoon characters and later on, proved to the people who couldn't believe that they could draw in the first place, wrong. It made me realize the importance of self-recognition, the power of believing in yourself, and that you can, in fact, do anything you want as long as you believe in it. When I was young, I was not one of the famous artist nor craftsmen in school, and I certainly did not think about becoming one. It was not until my middle school art teacher gave me a chance to join the honor arts class, that I realized my love for art and the potential I had. Graham inspired people like me, to enhance their personal presence and to find a new perspective on themselves.

Teresa Lin: About
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