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Iris Lu, a senior at the International Bilingual School at Tainan Science Park, was born and raised in Los Angeles, California before she moved to live in Tainan, Taiwan at the age of 10. Ever since her tender middle school years, she became an avid member of every club and organization she could take part in. From service in Interact to leadership in student council, from cooperation in Model United Nations to self-confidence in debate, from teamwork in soccer to perseverance in swimming, she learned and grew over the years, her ambitions likewise. In line with TEDxDominicanIntlSchool 2019’s theme “The Unlikely,” she is honored to be able to share her experiences in understanding one’s own limitations when juggling schoolwork, extracurriculars, and expectations, but all the while realizing that you still truly can have it all - the ultimate “unlikely.”

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