Aiden Johnson is an essential part of the team, and has been with since the very beginning. As our Manager, they’ve worked with and helped countless customers to ensure complete satisfaction.

Dena is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter and influencer currently based in Taipei. Having harboured a love for music since youth, she took up the guitar at 13 and began songwriting after being inspired by singer Taylor Swift. In 2013, Dena entered the Avex International Auditions in Japan, finishing second place and garnering much media attention over her angelic vocals and guitar skills. She grew her base via YouTube and slowly moved towards songwriting. She attended the Berklee School Of Music after she gained a degree in nursing.

Iris Lu, a senior at the International Bilingual School at Tainan Science Park, was born and raised in Los Angeles, California before she moved to live in Tainan, Taiwan at the age of 10. Ever since her tender middle school years, she became an avid member of every club and organization she could take part in. From service in Interact to leadership in student council, from cooperation in Model United Nations to self-confidence in debate, from teamwork in soccer to perseverance in swimming, she learned and grew over the years, her ambitions likewise. In line with TEDxDominicanIntlSchool 2019’s theme “The Unlikely,” she is honored to be able to share her experiences in understanding one’s own limitations when juggling schoolwork, extracurriculars, and expectations, but all the while realizing that you still truly can have it all - the ultimate “unlikely.”

Since joining , Kris Ward has played a crucial role in the continued success of the business. Their exceptional skill set, true passion and creativity has inspired massive growth.

When Julia was in her Junior year of college, she launched her YouTube Channel, craziejulia. In the beginning, she mostly shared her college life and travel videos and only did it for fun. However, within a short period of time, she has gained over 200k of subscribers. As a fashion lover, she has also started to share her style and lookbook on Youtube, Instagram, and Weibo. And now, after completing her bachelor degree in business administration at University of Southern California, she has turned her passion into a career. Until now, she has collaborated with a variety of global brands, such as Adidas, Dior, H&M, etc. Julia is definitely a girl who is ready for her bright future.

Meng is an award-winning artist, author, and educator based in New York City. Due to her family economic hardship, she began learning art in her childhood by self-teaching. She accepted numerous scholarships from renowned institutes and the Taiwanese government to study abroad. During graduate years in New York, Meng remained financially independent for her tuition and living expenses and has paid off millions of student loan for her master degree at the age of 27. Later she shouldered the financial burden of her parents in Taiwan. Meng has been recognized by many top international awards, and has been invited to exhibit worldwide. She’s been a faculty member in the MFA Computer Arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York since 2016. In 2018, She published her autobiography “The Spirit of Undefeated” which told the story about how she overcame the long-term depression and how she embraced the imperfection in life.

Michael is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He used to attend a Catholic elementary school, a Jewish Sunday School and a Hebrew School. While Michael made Discovery Channel documentaries about Taiwan, he decided to become an independent filmmaker help Taiwanese society by highlighting the work of activists and increasing the visibility of disenfranchised groups. His current projects include a documentary about marriage equality in Taiwan and the social impact of Taiwan’s highly unusual criminal adultery law.